ARK – Extinction Core Server!

I have decided to start up my own Extinction Core ARK server! I plan to use this to make videos about Extinction Core but have also opened it up for anyone to play.


This is completely free and paid for by me. The server is designed to be harder than normal. No wipe but with decay timers set. Spawns have been adjusted and will be monitored/updated as needed. This page will be updated over time to add more info.


– 25x harvesting
– Max Wild Dino Level = 900
– Max Player Levels = 400 with Ascension
– Unlimited Weight
– In Game shop (You can spawn certain bosses in to fight them without having to wait for them to spawn.)
– Earn points as you play! (No pay to win.)
– Increased Taming Speed
– Increased Breeding timers
– Dino Wipes every 6 hours
– 6 A.M. restart every day



Workshop Collection: Coming soon.


Crystal Isles: steam://connect/

Ragnarok: steam://connect/

The Island: steam://connect/